Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Updated RPG schedule and games list

Here is the current RPG schedule and list. It's first come, first served, so none of this lollygagging. Reserve a spot by posting in the comments section. Oh, and we take requests.
Board and card games will run on a pick-up-and-play basis; find a game you like, find some players, and your off to the races.
I'll update this post as warranted, so keep checking back to keep up with the changes.



Time Slot: 11:30-15:00 (3.5 hours)
Game: Gamma World
GM: Dave
Number of player slots remaining: 2/4 (Ash, Leslie)

Scenario Description: Demon Dogs! The vile technowizard Evo Darn has captured you in his bizarre catacombs of terror, host to lost technologies from before the Big Mistake, weird creatures from parallel (and perpendicular!) dimensions, and horrifying cyber-magical creations of Darn’s own twisted mind. Can our plucky band of adventurers escape his clutches and/or put a stop to his ineffable scheme to open a door to a dimension of pure – well, if not terror, exactly, it’s at least a dimension of weird pink fungus creatures that a right-minded person wouldn't open a door to. Lords of Light!

Time Slot: 15:00-19:00 (four hours)
Game: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
GM: Ted Bonnah
Number of player slots remaining: 3/4 (Leslie)
Scenario Description: “ENGLAND ABANDONED”. Guy Ritchie meets 28 Days Later. England lays in ruins, overrun by psychotic ‘infected’, and dispossessed Britons like you are impoverished pariahs. You have one chance at a comfortable life – sneak in to your homeland and recover ‘the product’ for a French crime lord. Requires a massive sense of humour, stomach for gore, and outrageous British accents (real or fake). I’ll be using tournament system – fulfill your victory conditions to win the game and a cheesy prize. Rated Mature.

19:00-20:00 BREAK

Time Slot: 20:00-late
Game: Call of Cthulhu
GM: Ashley Laycock
Number of player slots remaining: FULL! 0/6 (Andrew, Chris, Dave B., Paul, Keith, Gabi)
Scenario Description: “Shadows over Scotland” setting. Try not to get kilt.

Time Slot: 20:00-10:30ish
Game: Fiasco
GM: NONE! (GMless RP, but facilitated by Leslie)
Number of slots remaining: 3/4 (Leslie, Ted, Jesse)
Scenario Description: Fiasco creates stories like those found in Coen Brothers movies or the TV show Breaking Bad. Some players will succeed while others will suffer, but all in the cause of telling a great story. Saturday night's game will feature one of the Bookhounds of London (Cthulhuesque), Salem 1692 (Witch trials), Dragon Slayers (D&D gone wrong), or Camp Death (Friday the 13th) playsets


Time Slot: 10:00-14:00 (four hours)
Game: Call of Cthulhu
GM: Ashley Laycock
Number of player slots remaining: 3/5 (Chris D.,Andrew M., Richard C.)
Scenario Description: Dockside Dogs. Tarantino takes the Pepsi Challenge with the Mythos.

Time slot: 14:00-18:00 (four hours)
Game: Dragon Warriors
GM: Paul Harding
Number of Player Slots: 3/4 (Ash)
Scenario description: Dark medieval fantasy using a classic ruleset. An open ended story with tough choices based on the scenario "The Greatest Prize".

Other (depending on demand) RPGs include:

Classic Traveller
Lady Blackbird
Don’t Rest Your Head

Zombie Cinema
Murderous Ghosts

An incomplete list of Board and Card Games (owner)

Settlers of Catan w/ 5-6 player expansion (Leslie)
Talisman (Leslie)

King of the Tabletop (Leslie)
Zombies!!! (Leslie)
Guillotine (Leslie)
Castle Ravenloft (John S.)
Arkham Horror (John S.)
Zombicide (James from Nara)
Dixit Odyssey (James from Nara)
Magic: The Gathering (Jesse)
Dominion (Jesse)
Android (Egor)
Battlestar Galactica (Egor)

OGRE WW2 Reskin (Leslie)
Zombie Dice (Leslie)

Tabletop Wargaming

Black Powder



  1. I'd play Fiasco if you can get the bodies together. Also, I'll be bringing Zombietown along, though mostly to use the figure in AFMBE since we seem to have enough boardgames, especially zombie-themed ones.

    1. @Ted Fiasco will be running parallel with Call of Cthulhu on Saturday night, facilitated by yours truly. So with you and me there's room for two more.

  2. Gabi and I would like to be in the Saturday Call of Cthulhu game if there are spaces.

    For the board games I am always up for playing Battlestar Galactica!

    I can bring a few things that seem to fit the theme
    Zombie plague
    Ghost Stories

    I will probably bring a couple of things out of theme as well.

    1. Congrats, you and Gabi took the last slots! Shaping up to be a great game of CoC.

  3. Oh yeah! I also have "Eaten by Zombies"

    We should play that for sure.

  4. For anyone wishing to join my Dragon Warriors game I made up 14 pregens. All of them are statted up with some subplots to add an edge of intrigue. Feel free to pick 2 to choose between on the day.

    Aspiring hedge knight
    Streetwise guard
    Battleworn friar from the crusades
    Stoneworkers guild enforcer
    Bumbling guard
    Scholarly Lord
    Celebrated knight
    Mystical forester
    Treasure huntress
    Smoking hot nun
    Mercenary raider
    Mute cataphract
    Oathbound horse nomad
    Healer with an agenda
